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Taken 16-Sep-02
Visitors 2

5 of 20 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:"San Francisco", "canvas prints", "fine art prints", "fine art", "fishermans wharf", "palace of fine art", Blue, Firs, Oppenheimer, USA, america, art, bird, california, canvas, cedar, children, corinthian, cruise, doric, education, embarcadero, exploratorium, explore, green, gull, gulls, history, holiday, lake, museum, pier, pillars, reflection, reflections, research, science, seagull, seagulls, sky, sun, sunny, tourist, tree, trees, trip, vacation
Photo Info

Dimensions1000 x 665
Original file size869 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken16-Sep-02 18:41
Date modified19-Jul-14 17:42


The Exploratorium is a museum in San Francisco that has created over 1,000 participatory exhibits that mix science and art, all of which are made onsite. It is considered by some to be the prototype for participatory museums around the world. It has been engaged in the professional development of teachers, science education reform, and the promotion of museums as informal education centers since its founding in the Palace of Fine Arts in 1969 by physicist and educator Frank Oppenheimer.