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Taken 16-Sep-08
Visitors 13

1 of 20 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Argyll, Blue, Crinan, Scotland, bay, boat, canvas, canvas prints, crinan harbor, crinan harbour, fine art, fine art prints, hill, hills, holiday, inlet, isle, isles, jetty, mast, masts, mooring, ocean, reflection, reflections, ripple, ripples, sea, seascape, ships, shore, sky, trees, vista, water, yacht, yachts
Photo Info

Dimensions1000 x 528
Original file size212 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken16-Sep-08 16:08
Date modified19-Jul-14 17:42
Crinan Harbour

Crinan Harbour

Crinan is a small village located on the west coast of Scotland in the region known as Knapdale, which is part of Argyll. The Crinan Canal starts at Ardrishaig on Loch Fyne, and ends nine miles away at Crinan on the Sound of Jura. It was designed to provide a quick link between the west coast and islands at one end and the Clyde estuary at the other, and so avoid the long voyage around the south end of the Kintyre Peninsula.